.. _Multitasking: ============ Multitasking ============ .. sectionauthor:: Erich Wälde Multitasking is a way to execute separate chunks of program code (tasks) apparently simultaneous on a single CPU. Of course, the separate tasks will run one after another. If the CPU can switch between them fast enough, separate tasks may appear to execute in parallel. Multitasking in amforth is achieved as *cooperative multitasking* [#]_: In every task the programmer defines places, where control is given up, such that the next task can run. The tasks current state is stored in a piece of memory called the task control block (TCB). TCBs are organized in a simple, linked list and are visited in round–robin fashion. .. [#] as opposed to preemptive multitasking What is a Task? --------------- Every task owns a piece of RAM, where it finds a set of runtime information (user area) and where it has its own space for the data and return stacks. This space is called a *task control block (TCB)*. Is is referred to by the *task id* or *tid*, which happens to be the start address of the TCB by convention[#]_ .. [#] Technically the TCB is located in the *user* area. However, the first 6 cells of the user area are used by the system itself (see section Multitasker: The Gory Details) The runtime information includes: * status, whether the task is *awake* or *sleeping* * follower, points to the next task in the list * where do the stacks start and how many entries are currently on them * the current value of :command:`base` * pointers to deferred words such as :command:`key`, :command:`emit` and the like * the content of the stacks is not regarded part of the task control block. They can be located anywhere as long as their location is known. They do belong to the task, however. Viewed from afar, a task is just a piece of RAM holding a small set of important information. Switching Tasks --------------- To switch execution from one task to the next, the following things need to happen somehow: * store the relevant bits of the current runtime in the task control block (stack pointers, mainly) * look up the next task’s control block * switch the userarea-pointer to that control block * unfold the same bits, which were stored before giving up control, back into the runtime * resume execution at the next instruction of the new task So the problem is mainly an exercise in saving and restoring all relevant information. Using the Multitasker --------------------- Problem ....... Simultaneous execution of several blocks of code (tasks) is desired on a single CPU. Solution ........ Include the file :file:`lib/multitask.frt` in your programm, define separate tasks as separate words. The start of everything needs a little extra code (see starttasker). This solution is working together with turnkey. Sample Program .............. The following example creates two tasks: #. the command loop keeps running #. increment a Counter N, write its value to PORTB. The intention is to make connected LEDs blink. .. code-block:: forth \ run_multitask -- tested with amforth-4.7, atmega-32 $38 constant PORTB $37 constant DDRB include lib/multitask.frt \ load the multitasker : ms ( n -- ) 0 ?do pause 1ms loop ; \ call pause on wait variable N : init $ff PORTB c! \ portB: all pins high $ff DDRB c! \ all pins output 0 N ! ; : run-demo \ --- task 2 --- begin N @ invert PORTB c! 1 N +! &500 ms again ; $20 $20 0 task: task_demo \ create task, allot tcb + stack space : start-demo task_demo tib>tcb activate \ words after this line are run in new task run-demo ; : starttasker task_demo task-init \ create TCB in RAM start-demo \ activate tasks job onlytask task_demo tcb>tid alsotask multi ; : run-turnkey \ make cmd loop task-1 \ start task-2 \ activate multitaskingMultitasking applturnkey init starttasker ; ’ run-turnkey is turnkey \ make run-turnkey start on power up When the program is started, LEDs connected to PORTB will blink. However, the prompt is presented as well and commands will be handled. :: > run-turnkey amforth 6.3 ATmega32 ok > tasks 149 running 309 running Multitasker is running ok > N @ . 199 ok > Discussion .......... The two tasks will happily run along provided, that both tasks call :command:`pause` regularly. This call is built into the command loop already. It is possible to call :command:`run-turnkey` as :command:`turnkey`. The program will survive a power cycle, because task: stores the neccessary information in flash memory: #. the address of the task control block #. the start of the data stack (sp0) #. the start of the return stack (rp0) The sizes of the stacks are not explicitly stored. They can be inferred from the knowledge that all space is allocated as one chunk. However, amforth does not protect the stack from overflows. Exceeding the allocated stack space does cause unexpected crashes of your programm (see below at :command:`task:`). :command:`task-init` prepares the task control block located in RAM. It erases any previous content, stores the addresses of the stacks, the top–of–stack address for the data stack, base, and the status of the task (sleeping). start-demo adds the calls to the tasks body into the TCB and stack space. task: will use three entries from the stack. #. additional size of the user area in this task. This space can be used to create user–variables, which belong to this task only. #. size of the task’s return stack #. size of the task’s data stack. Both stack sizes may be as small as $20 bytes. However, programs exceeding a certain complexity may experience inexplicable crashes. If the program works in the foreground but not as a task, increasing the stack sizes may help. Please note that calling :command:`ms`, which in turn calls 1ms will not produce accurate time intervals any more, depending on how much time is spent in the other tasks. One might argue that the startup sequence (starttasker) is way too long and should not be handled by the programmer. On the other hand, full control over the startup might be useful in unforeseen ways. Multitasker: The Gory Details ----------------------------- amforth ships the file :file:`lib/multitask.frt` featuring a multitasker based on code by Brad Eckert. Task Control Block .................. The layout of the task control block is fixed. Technically it is located at the start of the so called :ref:`User Area `. The first 6 entries (status ... handler) are not intended for changes by the programmer. The next 6 entries (base ... /key) are commonly changed by the programmer. If more space for user variables is desired, the user area needs to be increased specifically. When defining user variables, the offset of that variable from the start of the user area needs to be specified. It is the programmers duty to keep track of how many entries have been used. Also as a consequence the tid of a task holds the start address of the user area for that task. Its value is copied into the user pointer upon task switch. The user pointer is fetched and stored with up@ and up!, respectively (see definition of wake below). Two offsets into the TCB are defined as user variables. They produce the address of TCB[0] and TCB[2] respectively, correctly using the current TCB’s address. .. code-block:: forth decimal 0 user status 2 user follower After that two noname: words are defined. These words will not have a header in the vocabulary, their execution tokens (xts) are stored in the constants pass and wake. Their values will be stored in the status field (TCB[0]). .. code-block:: forth :noname ( ’status1 -- ’status2 ) cell+ @ dup @ 1+ >r ; constant pass :noname ( ’status1 -- ) up! sp @ sp! rp! ; constant wakeMultitasking Switching Multitasking on and off ................................. To switch between tasks the deferred word pause is used. Normally, pause does nothing. Therefore turning multitasking off is simple: .. code-block:: forth \ stop multitasking : single ( -- ) [’] noop is pause ; A new word multitaskpause is defined, which will switch from this to the next task. .. code-block:: forth \ switch to the next task in the list : multitaskpause ( -- ) rp@ sp@ sp ! follower @ dup @ 1+ >r ; \ start multitasking : multi ( -- ) [’] multitaskpause is pause ; :command:`multitaskpause` looks short and innocent, but a little explanation is called for: .. code-block:: forth rp@ \ -- rp | fetch the current return stack pointer sp@ \ -- rp sp | fetch the current data stack pointer TOS sp \ -- rp sp tcb[sp] | get the addr of user variable to store TOS ! \ -- rp | store, TCB[8] := TOS follower \ -- rp tcb[2] | get the address of TCB[2] @ \ -- rp tid' | fetch it's content, tid of the next task dup @ \ -- rp tid' status' | fetch status of the next task (xt) 1+ \ -- rp tid' pfa | xt \Verb|>body| >r \ -- rp tid' | put pfa of pass or wake on the returnstack When multitaskpause exits, the interpreter finds the xt of wake or pass on the return stack and will continue execution there. If status was pass, the next task is sleeping, so we need to look for the next next task: .. code-block:: forth \ -- rp tid' | these are still on the stack cell+ \ -- rp tid'[2] | point to follower @ \ -- rp tid'' | get the tid of the next next task dup \ -- rp tid'' tid'' | @ \ -- rp tid'' status'' | fetch status of next next task (xt) 1+ \ -- rp tid'' pfa | xt of >body >r \ -- rp tid'' | put xt of next next tasks status on return stack This is repeated until an awake task is found. If status was wake, the next task should be running, so we need to unfold it: .. code-block:: forth \ -- rp tid’ these are still on the stack up! \ -- rp make user pointer point to tid’ This was the magic line. Now the stacks are different stacks! We left the old task’s data stack behind with rp on top. Now we look at the new task’s stack and find rp’ of that task on top of it. .. code-block:: forth sp \ -- rp’ \ -- rp’ tid’[sp] get addr of TOS locationMultitasking @ \ -- rp’ sp’ retrieve stack pointer of now current task sp! \ -- rp’ store it in (activate) stack pointer rp! \ -- store rp’ of this task in current rp Switching multitasking on is simply pointing pause to multitaskpause. The inner workings are far from obvious, but they have been proven to work. Handling tasks .............. We need a few words to change the status of tasks: .. code-block:: forth : stop : task-sleep : task-awake ( -- ) pass status ! pause ; \ sleep current task ( tid -- ) pass swap ! ; \ sleep another task ( tid -- ) wake swap ! ; \ wake another task A little more tricky is setting up a piece of code to be run in a task. :command:`activate` will be used in a snippet similar to this. .. code-block:: forth : run-demo ( interesting work here ... ) ; $20 $20 0 task: task_demo \ create task, allot tcb + stack space : start-demo task_demo tcb>tid activate \ words after this line are run in new task run-demo ; :command:`activate` will store the xt of :command:`run-demo` on the return stack belonging to the TCB. It will also save the address of top of return stack on top of the data stack belonging to the same TCB, and the address of TOS in the field TCB[sp]. This particular order of information is expected by :command:`wake`. .. code-block:: forth : cell- negate cell+ negate ; \ continue the code as a task in a predefined tcb : activate ( tid -- ) dup 6 + @ cell- over 4 + @ cell- ( -- tid sp rp ) \ point to RP0 SP0 r> over 1+ ! ( save entry at rp ) \ skip all after ACTIVATE over ! ( save rp at sp ) \ save stack context for WAKE over 8 + ! ( save sp in tos ) task-awake ; :command:`onlytask` initializes the linked list with the current task only. It copies the tid of the current task into the field TCB[follower] to create a circular list. .. code-block:: forth \ initialize the multitasker with the current task only : onlytask ( -- ) wake status ! \ own status is running up@ follower ! \ point to myself ; :command:`alsotask` links a new task given by its tid into the list behind the current task. .. code-block:: forth : alsotask ( tid -- ) [’] pause defer@ >r \ stop multitasking single follower @ ( -- tid f) over ( -- tid f tid ) follower ! ( -- tid f ) swap cell+ ( -- f tid-f ) ! r> is pause \ restore multitasking ; And then there is :command:`tasks` to print the tid of every task in the list and its state to the serial console. It will also report, whether the multitasker is switched on or not. If you uncomment the three commented lines, then the values of top–of–stack and start–of–stack for the data and return stacks are also printed out. This might be useful for debugging. .. code-block:: forth : tasks ( -- ) status ( -- tid ) \ starting value dup begin ( -- tid1 ctid ) dup u. ( -- tid1 ctid ) dup @ ( -- tid1 ctid status ) dup wake = if ." running" drop else pass = if ." sleeping" else abort" unknown" then then \ dup 4 + @ ." rp0=" dup u. cell- @ ." TOR=" u. \ dup 6 + @ ." sp0=" dup u. cell- @ ." TOS=" u. \ dup 8 + @ ." sp=" u. cr cell+ @ ( -- tid1 next-tid ) over over = ( -- f flag) until drop drop ." Multitasker is " [’] pause defer@ [’] noop = if ." not " then ." running" ; Creating a TCB .............. So there is only one thing left to do, namely create space for a TCB and the stacks. .. code-block:: forth : task: ( C: dstacksize rstacksize add.usersize "name" -- ) ( R: -- addr ) create here , \ store address of TCB ( add.usersize ) &24 + allot \ default user area size \ allocate stacks ( rstacksize ) allot here , \ store sp0 ( dstacksize ) allot here , \ store rp0Multitasking 1 allot \ keep here away, amforth specific does> \ leave flash addr on stack ; : tcb>tid ( f -- tid ) @i ; : tcb>sp0 ( f -- sp0 ) 1+ @i ; : tcb>rp0 ( f -- rp0 ) 2 + @i ; : tcb>size ( f -- size ) dup tcb>tid swap tcb>rp0 1+ swap - ; :command:`task:` allots memory for the task control block and its associated stacks. The sizes of the stacks are taken from the data stack. The start of the data stack (SP0) is stored in TCB[6], the start of the return stack (RP0) is stored in TCB[4]. Then new tid is moved from the return stack to the data stack. The task is marked as sleeping and one more byte is allot'ed to keep here out of the way. This is an implementation feature of amforth. Also please note that stacks are growing downwards. :command:`task-init` initializes a TCB and copies the information stored in flash into their correct locations. .. code-block:: forth : task-init ( f -- ) dup tcb>tid over tcb>size 0 fill \ clear RAM for tcb and stacks \ fixme: possibly use init-user? dup tcb>sp0 over tcb>tid &6 + ! \ store sp0 in tid[6] dup tcb>sp0 cell- over tcb>tid &8 + ! \ store sp0-- in tid[8], tos dup tcb>rp0 over tcb>tid &4 + ! \ store rp0 in tid[4] &10 over tcb>tid &12 + ! \ store base in tid[12] tcb>tid task-sleep \ store ’pass’ in tid[0] ; Versions of :file:`lib/multitask.frt` prior to amforth-4.7 are broken in that there is no permanent storage as described above. These versions of the multitasker work, but they do not survive a power cycle.