Jump Tables¶
Author: | Erich Wälde |
Summary: store precomputed values in a flash table / constructing a jump table
I wanted to store precomputed values in a permanent table. In one case the values were precomputed by evaluating a special declaration syntax. In the other case a list of :noname ... ; Definitions were going to be accessed through a (jump) table.
For the second problem I wrote down something like
does not work, please continue to read for the solution!
create Table
:noname 1 VarA +! ; ,
:noname 2 VarA +! ; ,
This is not only naive, but also wrong: I’m mixing the compiled code with the XTs to be stored. So the table did contain the XTs in the wrong places mixed with the corresponding code. Once I understood this, I came up with the idea to generate the code and store the XTs in a RAM table first, and then copy the table from RAM to FLASH. Additionally, the table was initialised with noop as default value, since several entries remained empty, i.e. had nothing to do. I could have pushed the XTs on the stack, but with >50 entries this did not seem correct to me. Here we go:
First we define the length of the final table in entries and allocate the corresponding RAM space and proved a function to fill it with default values (fill would not help here, because fill copies bytes rather than cells):
variable SomeVar \ variables needed by the code snippets should
variable OtherVar \ go BEFORE variable T.ram
#10 constant T.len
variable T.ram T.len cells allot
: T.init
['] noop
T.len 0 do dup T.ram i cells + ! loop
The RAM space can be released after producing the flash table, even though T.ram continues to exist as a word.
When compiling the :noname code snippets (think anonymous functions), we want to store the freshly generated XT at a given location in the ram table. A separate word makes the source code look nice (provisions against index overflow were added):
: >T.ram ( xt idx -- )
dup 0 T.len within if
cells T.ram + !
drop \ or throw
To copy the content of T.ram to a new table in flash, the following function will do the work. In expects the number of items and the source address on the stack and consumes the next token of the source code as name for the new table.
: >ftable ( srcaddr len -- ) ( ccc.name )
create ( consumes ccc.name )
( len ) 0 do
( srcaddr ) dup i cells + @ ,
( srcaddr ) drop
does> \ fixme: needed???
Now we are equipped to compile the anonymous functions and store the XTs in T.ram:
:noname #1 SomeVar +! ; #3 >T.ram \ function for field #3
:noname #8 SomeVar +!
#1 OtherVar ! ; #4 >T.ram \ function for field #4
Note that the anonymous functions can be of arbitrary length. The order, in which the fields in T.ram is filled, is irrelevant. It is not neccessary to fill all fields, since they all were initialized with the XT of noop.
After the table is prepared to our liking, we copy it to flash:
T.ram T.len >ftable T.flash
The new, permanent table is called T.flash in this example. We can now release T.ram with
T.ram to here
provided we did not define any other variables in the meantime. The XTs in T.flash can be called like this:
: T.run ( index -- )
dup 0 T.len within if
( index ) T.flash + @i execute
drop \ or throw