Un-Doing Definitions

During development and testing it is often desirable to start over again and forget everything. Traditional forth’s have the word FORGET. Amforth uses another, more modern approach: marker.

marker needs planning. Before use, include the file:`dict_compiler2.inc into your list of include packages to generate the hex files. Next upload the file lib/ans94/core-ext/marker.frt. If you encouter errors that the word set-current is not defined, you forgot to include the file dict_compiler2.inc.

Now the command marker creates a named snapshot of the current memory state to that you can return to any time afterwards. This includes all definitions and wordlists defined after the snapshot is taken. They get completely deleted and the occupied memories (flash, ram, eeprom) are available again.

> marker empty
> : foo ." foo" ;
> foo
foo ok
> empty
> foo
foo ?? -13 3
> empty
empty ?? -13 5

Note that the snapshot itself is gone as well. If you want it again, just re-create it.