Build Timestamp

AmForth has a version number, that can be read with an environment query:

> s" version" environment? drop .
50 ok
> s" version" environment search-wordlist drop .
50 ok

In addition to this information (esp for those who use the newest revision from the source repository) the built timestamp maybe useful as well. To get it, AmForth needs to be compiled with the file words/built.asm included. Calling it prints the date and time the hexfile was generated in the current terminal.

> built
Nov 22 2012 23:12:94 ok

The assembly code uses some avr asm specific macros, the string length information is hardcoded.

; ( -- ) System
; R( -- )
; prints the date and time the hex file was generated
   .dw $ff05
   .db "built",0
   .dw VE_HEAD
   .set VE_HEAD = VE_BUILT
   .dw DO_COLON
   .dw 11
   .db __DATE__ ; generated from assembler
   .dw XT_ITYPE
   .dw XT_SPACE
   .dw 8
   .db __TIME__ ; generated from assembler
   .dw XT_ITYPE
   .dw XT_EXIT

Subversion Revision Number

If you are using the subversion sandbox from the sourceforge repository, the following solution from Enoch provides the subversion revision number.

His solutions extends the Makefile to generate a small forth snippet that contains the information as a string.

AMFORTH := ../amforth/trunk
CORE := $(AMFORTH)/core
DEVICE := $(CORE)/devices/$(MCU)

SVNVERSION := `svnversion -n $(AMFORTH)`

$(TARGET).hex: $(TARGET).asm *.inc words/*.asm $(CORE)/*.asm $(CORE)/words/*.asm
       $(XASM) -I $(CORE) -o $(TARGET).hex -e $(TARGET).eep -l $(TARGET).lst $(TARGET).asm
       echo ": svnversion .\" r$(SVNVERSION)\" ;" >svnversion.frt

Running make creates the file svnversion.frt in the current directory that contains the output of the svnversion -n command. Uploading this file creates the forth command _svnversion_ that prints it in the terminal.

\ #include svnversion.frt

: myturnkey
\ snip
   space svnversion

' myturnkey is turnkey

\        The result:
\        ~~~~~~~~~~~

       amforth 4.9 AT90CAN128 r1306M

GIT Branch Name

Adding the name of the current GIT branch is slightly more complex. The first step is creating a template file as appl/words/git-info.tmpl This file will be transformed into an assembly file with some search-replace actions during this copy.

; ( -- ) System
; R( -- )
; GIT Info
 .dw $ff08
 .db "git-info"
 .dw VE_HEAD
 .dw @BRLEN@
 .db "@BRNAME@"
 .dw XT_EXIT

The next step is to add the file words/git-info.asm to the list of included files (e.g. The final step is to add a rule to the build tool. In this example, ant is used, so edit the build.xml file in the project application directory as follows:

<!-- change existing rules -->
<target name="uno.hex"
  description="Hexfiles for ...."/>

<!-- add to build.xml -->
 <macrodef name="git-branch">
     <attribute name="output" />

         <exec executable="git" outputproperty="branch" >
             <arg value="rev-parse"/>
             <arg value="--abbrev-ref"/>
             <arg value="HEAD"/>
             <env key="LANG" value="C"/>
         <property name="@{output}" value="${branch}"/>

<target name="git-info">
     <git-branch output="branch" />
     <length property="length" string="${branch}"/>
     <copy tofile="words/git-info.asm" file="words/git-info.tmpl" overwrite="true">
         <filter token="BRLEN" value="${length}"/>
         <filter token="BRNAME" value="${branch}"/>


With these settings, a new command is available git-info. It prints the current branch name in the terminal:

> git-info
 master ok

Its easy to add this command to the applturnkey actions as well.