There a few number of tools on the host side (PC) that are specifically written to support amforth. They are written in script languages like Perl and python and should work on all major operating systems. They are not needed to use amforth but may be useful.
Part description Converter¶
The script reads a part
description file in XML format (comes with
the Atmel Studio package) and produces
the controller specific devices/controllername/*
The tool makerefcard reads the assembly files from the words subdirectory and creates a reference card. The resulting LaTeX file needs to be processed with latex to generate a nice looking overview of all words available in the amforth core system.
The command make-htmlwords creates the linked overview of all words on the amforth homepage.
To transfer forth code to the micro controller some precautions need to taken. During a flash write operation all interrupts are turned off. This may lead to lost characters on the serial line. One solution is to send very slowly and hope that the receiver gets all characters. A better solution is to send a character and wait for the echo from the controller. This may sound awfully slow at the glance but it turned out to be a fast and reliable strategy.
An example for the first strategy can be used with the program ascii-xfer. Calling it with the command line parameters
$ ascii-xfr -s -c $delayChar -l $delayLine file > $tty
will work but the upload of longer files needs a very long time: $delayChar can be 1 or 2 ms, $delayLine around 800 ms.
The powerful Python script is using
echo to regulate uploading. It recognizes Forth comments, single
and multi line, and skips uploading them. The shell also features
automatic file inclusion via #include filename.frt
meta commands and, what can save a lot of dictionary space and
clutter, it does constant substitution for the AVR register names
and the project’s own definitions (via a locally provided
file). The shell has much more to offer,
please read its script.
There are a few tools that may be useful on the controller. They are implemented as loadable forth code that may affect internal data and work flows in a non-portable way. In particular are available a profiler (counting calls to words), a call tracer (printing a stack trace while executing the words), a timing utility (benchme), a few memory dump tools and a see that may be useful to revert the compilation process (gets some forth code from compiled words).
See also