Model 1: The Fairly Minimal Clock¶
Date: | 2017-08-13 |
Design Decisions¶
- 32 ticks/sec, generated from main crystal (11.0592 MHz)
- timeup clock with simple counters, no structures, no timezone
- display on serial, on demand
- optional: uptime counter
- optional: led.1 blinking 1/sec
- fixed start time (2017-01-01 00:00:00)
- multitasker
The code included below is a complete, working example, tested on an
atmega644p controller. The initial list of includes can be shortened
somewhat, it just makes debugging and working simpler. The syntax for
the includes is such that
will upload the
programm and resolve all #include file

Model 1 is just living inside this eval board. There is no display other than the serial connection!
The pin definitions are directly related to the electronic schematics of your system. For this fairly minimal clock only 4 status LEDs are defined, which may be absent alltogether.
The includes after that correspond to what has been detailed in the Ingredients section before (Ingredients and Clocks).
implements the clock counters and function
, which advances all counters of the clock by one second
including counter overflows.
is a variable to count the uptime of the system in
seconds. It is optional, however, it should illustrate using the
periodic jobs to get some work done.
implements the clock ticks driven by the
main crystal and generated as timer/counter1 overflow interrupts.
The functions clock.set
, clock.get
, and
there to conveniently set the clock and show date and time. No
timezone has been implemented. The clock will run whatever time is
provides the mechanics to have the clock run in
the background and the command loop still available at the serial
After all that, the periodic jobs are defined. Only two things are
done: job.sec
will increment the uptime
counter, and
will update the length of the month in the Limits
The function run-masterclock
implements the background job. It
will run as often as possible. It will check, whether a tick is over
and call job.tick
if this is the case. It will also check if half
a second or a full second has passed, and light up one LED
accordingly. If a full second has passed, then timeup
is called to
advance the clock counters, and jobCount
is set, such that in the
rounds through this loop to come, all needed periodic jobs are called,
one job per loop.
is wrapped as a task:
, start-masterclock
will start the background task. The function starttasker
starting all tasks, thereby converting the command loop into a task as
well. Finally the multitasker is activated.
is to set up everything in working conditions. run
start the whole show on the command prompt. In order to make the
program start automatically at powerup, run-turnkey
is defined and
can be registered as turnkey
The last function, .d
is our display. It is to be called on the
command loop via serial connection. Similarly the clock can be set
now, it should run with an error of a few seconds per day.
> .d
2451 s 2017-01-01_00:40:51 13 12909
> #2017 8 13 18 41 30 clock.set .d
2525 s 2017-08-13_18:41:30 3 15299
> .d
2530 s 2017-08-13_18:41:35 26 15450
The Code¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 | \ 2017-08-13 main-01-fairly-minimal.fs
\ Written in 2017 by Erich Wälde <>
\ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated
\ all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software
\ to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed
\ without any warranty.
\ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
\ Dedication along with this software. If not, see
\ <>.
\ include syntax for upload with
\ 11.059200 MHz main crystal
\ timer/counter1
\ 32 ticks/second
#include builds.frt
#include erase.frt
#include dot-base.frt
#include imove.frt
#include bitnames.frt
#include marker.frt
#include environment-q.frt
#include dot-res.frt
#include avr-values.frt
#include is.frt
#include dumper.frt
#include interrupts.frt
\ these definitions are resolved by as needed
\ include atmega644p.fs
#include flags.frt
#include 2variable.frt
#include 2constant.frt
#include 2-fetch.frt
#include 2-store.frt
#include m-star-slash.frt
#include quotations.frt
#include avr-defers.frt
#include defers.frt
marker --start--
\ --- ports, pins, masks
PORTB 2 portpin: led.0
PORTB 3 portpin: led.1
PORTB 4 portpin: led.2
PORTB 5 portpin: led.3
\ --- famous includes and other words
: ms ( n -- ) 0 ?do pause 1ms loop ;
: u0.r ( u n -- ) >r 0 <# r> 0 ?do # loop #> type ;
: odd? ( x -- t/f ) $0001 and 0= 0= ;
: even? ( x -- t/f ) $0001 and 0= ;
\ --- driver: status leds
#include leds.fs
\ --- master clock
\ --- timeup
#include timeup_v0.0.fs
\ tu.counts -- fields available as:
\ tick sec min hour day month year
\ last_day_of_month ( year month -- last_day )
\ timeup.init
\ timeup
\ tu.upd.limits ( Y m -- )
\ --- uptime
2variable uptime
: .uptime ( -- ) uptime 2@ decimal ud. [char] s emit ;
: ++uptime ( -- ) 1. uptime 2@ d+ uptime 2! ;
\ --- timer1 clock tick
\ 32 ticks/sec
\ timer_1_ overflow
\ clock source main crystal/256
#include clock_tick1_main.fs
\ +ticks
\ tick.over? ( -- t/f )
\ tick.over!
\ half.second.over? ( -- 0|1|2 )
: clock.set ( Y m d H M S -- )
sec ! min ! hour !
1- day !
over over
1- month ! year !
( Y m ) tu.upd.limits
: clock.get ( -- S M H d m Y )
sec @ min @ hour @
day @ 1+ month @ 1+ year @
: ( S M H d m Y -- )
#4 u0.r [char] - emit #2 u0.r [char] - emit #2 u0.r [char] _ emit
#2 u0.r [char] : emit #2 u0.r [char] : emit #2 u0.r
: ( -- )
\ --- multitasker
#include multitask.frt
\ activate ( tid -- )
\ task-sleep ( tid -- )
\ task-awake ( tid -- )
\ task: ( rs-size ds-size -- tid )
\ onlytask ( -- )
\ alsotask ( tid -- )
\ single ( -- )
\ multi ( -- )
\ tasks ( -- )
: +tasks multi ;
: -tasks single ;
\ --- timeup jobs ---------------------------
: job.tick
: job.sec
: job.min
: job.hour ;
: ;
: job.month
\ update length of month in tu.limits
year @ month @ 1+ tu.upd.limits
: job.year ;
create Jobs
' job.tick ,
' job.sec , ' job.min , ' job.hour ,
' , ' job.month , ' job.year ,
variable jobCount
: jobCount++
jobCount @
6 < if
1 jobCount +!
\ --- task 2 --------------------------------
: run-masterclock
['] tx-poll to emit \ add emit to run-masterclock
tick.over? if
1 tick +!
dup 0<> if
dup odd? if \ half second
led.1 off
else \ second
led.1 on
0 tick !
1 jobCount !
\ run one job per loop, not all at once
jobCount @
bv tu.flags fset?
jobCount @ dup
Jobs + @i execute
bv tu.flags fclr
$40 $40 0 task: task-masterclock \ create task space
: start-masterclock
task-masterclock tib>tcb
\ words after this line are run in new task
: starttasker
task-masterclock task-init \ create TCB in RAM
start-masterclock \ activate tasks job
onlytask \ make cmd loop task-1
task-masterclock tib>tcb alsotask \ start task-2
multi \ activate multitasking
\ --- main ----------------------------------
: init
+leds leds-intro
#2017 1 1 0 0 0 clock.set
0. uptime 2!
\ cd.localtime
: run
: run-turnkey
\ ' run-turnkey to turnkey
: .d ( -- )
.uptime space space space
tick @ . space
ct.ticks.follow @ .