Accessing Shift Registers¶
Date: | 2017-08-18 |
Driving LEDs or 7-Segment Registers can be done in several ways. This document explains, how to interface them with shift registers. A shift register will receive 8 bit of data on a connection with 2 signals: data and clock. After the complete byte has been transfered, a third signal, latch, can be used to assert the newly received byte on the corresponding 8 output pins. A shift register is, in a way, a serial to parallel converter. Interestingly, shift registers can be chained.
For example, one can transfer 4 Bytes through a chain of 4 shift register chips. After the transfer asserting the latch signal will make the transfered bytes appear on all the output pins simultaneously.
I strongly prefer shift registers and thus continuous signals on LEDs over the multiplexing (and thus flickering) methods.
Code Details¶
We need to define 3 pins corresponding to the acutal hardware layout:
\ abakus display
PORTD 2 portpin: sr_latch
PORTD 3 portpin: sr_clock
PORTD 4 portpin: sr_data
Then +sr
will set the pins up correctly (never assume that pins
are setup in a specific way before you start using them):
: +sr
sr_latch pin_output sr_latch high
sr_clock pin_output sr_clock low
sr_data pin_output sr_data high
will clock out just one bit and nothing else:
: bit>sr ( bit -- )
if sr_data high else sr_data low then
sr_clock high sr_clock low
The shift registers I use expect the most significant bit first. This
could be otherwise. So byte>sr
clock out one byte. The loop can be
written differently, of course.
: get.bit ( byte pos -- bit )
1 swap lshift \ -- byte bitmask
and \ -- bit
\ clock one byte out, MSB first!
: byte>sr ( byte -- )
0 7 do
dup i get.bit \ 7 6 5 ... 0: MSB first!
-1 +loop
So far data is transfered, but not asserted onto the output pins.
So >sr
adds asserting a low pulse on pin latch:
: >sr
sr_latch low sr_latch high
Putting it all together¶
The main program will know, how many shift registers are chained (if
any), thus a function like n>sr
will be needed: clock out a known
number of bytes, then assert the latch signal.
: n>sr ( c1 .. cn n -- )
0 ?do
sr_latch low sr_latch high
The Code¶
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | \ 2017-05-10 shiftregister.fs
\ Written in 2017 by Erich Wälde <>
\ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated
\ all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software
\ to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed
\ without any warranty.
\ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
\ Dedication along with this software. If not, see
\ <>.
\ needs pin definitions
\ PORTD 2 portpin: sr_latch
\ PORTD 3 portpin: sr_clock
\ PORTD 4 portpin: sr_data
\ words:
\ +sr ( -- ) \ enable shift register
\ ( n -- ) \ transfer 1 Byte
\ ( xn-1 .. x0 n -- ) \ n Bytes
: +sr
sr_latch pin_output sr_latch high
sr_clock pin_output sr_clock low
sr_data pin_output sr_data high
: bit>sr ( bit -- )
if sr_data high else sr_data low then
sr_clock high sr_clock low
: get.bit ( byte pos -- bit )
1 swap lshift \ -- byte bitmask
and \ -- bit
\ clock one byte out, MSB first!
: byte>sr ( byte -- )
0 7 do
dup i get.bit
-1 +loop